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A Day in the Life of a Realtor

What exactly do realtors do with their time? This question has inspired a blog post. On top of the typical sales and marketing, we’re part mover, part cleaner, part gopher, part babysitter, part pet-sitter, part psychologist, personal shopper, decorator, contractor, ms. fix-it, gardener, delivery man, caterer, and the list goes on. Moving is a stressful time as everyone knows, so we do whatever we can to ease the process.

There are many evenings when I sit down at the end of what felt like an incredibly busy day, and if someone were to ask me what I did during that day it would be tricky to explain. I wear many hats, and organize what needs to get done on the fly by priority.

I’ll try to describe a typical day in my life as well as I can…

I get myself a coffee, sit down in front of my computer & begin answering texts & emails (even though this happens pretty much 24/7), and dealing with any remaining paperwork from the night before. Before long the morning has disappeared and I still have agent open houses to visit, usually between 11:00 & 1:00. You get such a better sense of a house going through it in person. Many open houses have snacks, which is a great way to squeeze in some lunch. Still answering calls from anxious Sellers prepping their homes for the market.

The number of showings I do in a day obviously varies on how busy I am at that time, and the times depend on when my clients are available. I really only know what my schedule will look like a day or two before, but I like the flexibility and unpredictability of my job. And you have to be super flexible. During busy season, trying to fit in a round of golf is out of the question.

There are aspects of my job that take much more time than many of people realize. Like doing a comparative market analysis, for example. As mentioned in my last post, I pride myself on my pricing knowledge, and want to give people the best evaluation. Properties are all so different that it is definitely a skill, and takes a lot of research. During busy seasons like the spring and fall, evaluations take up a lot of time.

When taking care of my sellers and buyers quiets down, I can take care of whatever marketing needs to be done. When dealing with listings, the marketing is so timely that all of the sudden there is a rush for all of it to be out at the same time.

Between all this is when all of the other random tasks happen, as I mentioned in the beginning.

I won’t bore you with too many details, but for those of you who are curious as to what exactly I do in my day to day life, now you have a better idea. I’m so grateful to have the job I do with the clients I have, and really try to prove that through my work ethic and service.

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