Tips to Get You Ready for Golf Season
I'm so excited for golf season that this week I'm writing a couple of golf tips for my blog post. I hope this helps and your golf season gets off to a great start!
Short game is the fastest to go and fastest to come back, so let’s start with that…
Find a straight forward bump & run and chip until you hole it (or get tired of trying). When rusty it’s easy to get caught up in technique, but this drill will keep you focused on target and feel. You will feel as you hit the shots that you’re more accurate when you’re quiet with your weight on your left side and hands ahead of the clubhead.
You’re killing 2 birds with one stone because chipping gets your feel and timing going which will make a surprising difference in your long game. It’s also a good way to start your warm-up!
Course management is also something that makes a big difference if you haven't played in a while. A tip that has always helped me- if you get in trouble, your new goal is to give yourself a put for par. Don't take a large risk for minimal reward. There is no shame in hitting out sideways if you're in trouble and giving yourself a straight forward shot to the green. This takes a lot of the pressure off because you know worste case you'll make a bogey. If you stick to this plan, you'll save yourself some easy strokes and you won't be kicking yourself after the round.
Good luck!